
Quality based, efficient and economically- manageable labour stock

Our main objective, is to help our Partners to acquire a quality based, efficient and economically- manageable labour stock, according to the requirements determined by them, and at the same time to provide assistance to Employees to find job opportunities that are most convenient for them.

The main business activity of JobConcept Ltd. is labour lending, as a human resources management service. The development and success of our Company is due to the fact that we endeavour to meet the requirements of our Partners in terms of quantity and quality in a precise and expedient way.
JobConcept attaches special attention to the changes taking place in the national job market, on the various opportunities and advantages resulting from these changes and that are available (and at hand) for the various business companies.

Professional casework, confidential handling of information

Our Company philosophy gives priority to continuously obtain the satisfaction of our Client through professional casework, confidential handling of information and a continuous improvement of the quality of the services provided. In selecting the appropriate staff we pay special attention to the quality of the personal profile and of the professional qualifications of the employee to be proposed.

Once we have precisely understood the requirements of our Client we check, whether the applicants have all the necessary qualifications and work experiences. In the form of a structured interview we examine the professional knowledge and motivation of the applicant. By way of personality and capacity tests, if required by graphology analysis, we compare the expectations of the job and of the Client with the capacities of the applicant. If required we proceed to job related language tests completed with checking the ability of the applicant to speak in that particular language. Concerning applicants attending the screening we ask information from their previous workplace about their work performance there, so that we could select the most suitable man-power for our Clients.


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Overall human resources management

Our purpose is to offer to our Partners always and at all times such employees, who, with their work and human values, contribute to the business successes, to the dynamic expansion of our Partners. With dedicated development we have reached the point, where we are able to take in charge with responsibility the running of the overall human resources management of any company.

ISO 9001:2009 quality management system

In 2009 our Company shall introduce the quality management system ISO 9001, in order to ensure always higher quality services! The secret of the success of our services is the testing of the capacities of the applicant, the monitoring of his/her integration into the job, the measuring of satisfaction at the end of the mandate. Concerning the aptitude and reliability of the selected staff, our Company - in conformity with legal rules concerning the integrity of staff - undertakes a full investigation, considered as an indispensable condition for hiring a staff.


We believe in personal relations

The central person in the work of JobConcept is the Project Manager, who is at the service of a Partner (or of several Partners depending on the size and complexity of the mandate), providing a bridge connection between JobConcept and the Partner. In this way the precision and continuous flow of information is ensured, and can be linked to an individual, bearing in mind the interests of the Partner. We believe in personal contacts, i.e. we never start a project without making a personal acquaintance with our Partner and without getting to know his objectives and/or the work process, the work site (as it is only in possession of all these pieces of information that we shall be able to search for a staff efficiently and truly suitable for our Client).

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