Why JobConcept?

Our Company has no overdue public debt, therefore our Client can feel secure concerning its situation, saving itself from eventual unpleasant situations.
We provide human resources counselling during the whole process of the service, supporting in this way the objectives of our Partner.
Due to its organizational setup JobConcept is able to meet the requirement of its Clients quickly and in a flexible way. Our staff is working in a system with strong motivation elements, in order to focus on a fast and precise response to requirements.
We give priority to the requirements of our Partner and we execute the whole process of recruitment and selection through consultations with and by always informing our Client.
In all cases there is a staff member in charge of the project who keeps contact with our Client, eliminating in this way any inappropriate flow of information.
For us, all of our Client are "THE CLIENT"- and this is the approach that we expect from all of our colleagues and that we ensure with respect to our Partners.

We have no overdue social security or other public debts - please make sure!

Although the Labour Code does not specify in detail to what extent the Borrowing Partner is liable to satisfy itself that all social security contributions are effectively paid for the wage of the leased Employee, it is however worthwhile to pay attention also to this aspect. For a better protection of the Employee we advise to all companies engaged in labour lending activities to ask for a certificate of zero-debt from the Tax Authority (NAV) from time to time from its Lending Partner, to make sure for itself that the Lending Partner have effectively paid its due public contributions! We also advise to ask for such certificate for the period of days 20 to 30 (31) of the given month, to make sure that the Lending Partner paid up both wage related contributions and TVA (ÁFA) to the State. We are convinced that with this simple procedure our Borrowing Partner can look forward to a brighter future.

It is a matter of fact that our Company is in possession of a zero-debt NAV certificate (on a continuous basis) right from its foundation. At request we can of course also obtain an updated certificate!

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