Labour lending

Labour lending

Labour lending is an activity where Lessor (JobConcept) leases the Staff employed by him for the purpose of labour lending to Borrower (the Partner) to perform a job, in return for a fee. Lessor: an employer (JobConcept), who leases the Staff employed by him for the purpose of labour lending to Borrower to perform a job, and where he exercises his employer's rights and meets his employer's obligations as divided up between him and Borrower. Borrower: an employer (a Partner), who gives a job to the staff transferred to him in the frame of the lease, and who exercises his employer's rights and meets his employer's obligations as divided up between him and Lessor. Any employer can be a borrower employer.


  • A leased employer shall not be calculated in the statistical number of staff of the Partner. This advantage is mostly important for multinational companies, as it is there that in most cases staff number limits are imposed by Headquarters for specific work areas. Labour lending offers room for expansion by abiding by the rules, while respecting the set performance provisions!
  • The Labour Code sets the maximum employment trial period to 90 days. Yet this period is often insufficient for a Partner to determine the real knowledge of the staff member. By combining labour lending with a try&hire method, (in such case the employee shall perform the job for a definite period of time in the form of labour lending, and after that he/she shall become part of the Partner's staff) this method is able to allow more time for the Partner to make an opinion on the real performance and knowledge of the staff member!
  • It can offer fast solution to meet increased quantities of orders placed, to handle situations of paid-leave, sick-leave, seasonal work. In addition to its cost-effectiveness it also allows for flexibility and fast reaction to the challenges of the market.
  • By paying up a single invoice, the overall majority of the tasks related to human resources management can be handled, the amount of costs that can be accounted for can be increased.
  • Most of the work hours and costs spent on recruitment and selection of staff can be saved, as well as the administrative burden of wage accounting. Resources so liberated can be re-affected to other purposes.
  • The changes in legal rules concerning employment can be followed upon on a daily updated basis.
  • Statistical and other reporting tasks shall become the responsibility of the labour lending employer.
  • There will be no more operative charges for human resources management.
  • The negative impact of paid-leaves and sick-leaves can be reduced.
  • The scope of responsibilities related to the role as employer shall be significantly reduced.
  • You shall be able to find adequately trained staff fast and in a flexible way.

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