Financial counselling and transparency audit
The financial division of our Company assists the operations of our Partner with the help of highly trained specialists, either on a single occasion or on a regular basis. We are readily available to undertake a single, full-scale transparency audit targeted specially on accounting, financial and tax matters relative to the Client. During such an audit we explore the weak points of the financial management of your company, eventual hidden obligations, tax risks, etc.
In case of need, on the basis of the requirements of the managers / owners of your company we shall develop a management information system, together with a planning and supervision system. We determine together those indicators that are able to describe specifically the functioning of the enterprise, and we determine for each level of management the scope, target dates and degree of detail of the pieces of information supplied/received. We implement in practice the so elaborated system through the system of accounts, the accounting policy and if required through internal training, and after that we shall closely follow the quality success of the process.
Our service provides so much more compared to the services of other accounting firms, that we develop, together with our Clients, such a tax policy, that shall result, within the frame set by legal regulations, and considering all categories of taxes together, the most favourable mode of business operation. We shall explore specific problems, we shall make practical proposals for their solution and we shall personally participate in this.